Why should I participate in service-learning?
Service, in one form or another, provides opportunities to learn beyond the classroom, refining real-world skills, while negotiating unfamiliar situations. We ask that you complete forty hours of service in order to complete the Global Connections certificate. Fortunately, there are many volunteer and service learning opportunities within the Appalachian community.
What are some ways on campus to get involved?
Civic Engagement at Appalachian State University supports service-learning within academic contexts. Follow this link to learn more about academic civic engagement.
Appalachian & the Community Together (ACT) specializes in community service, service-learning, and community-based research opportunities for students and faculty, linking students to the wider High Country Community. ACT also organizes Alternative Service Experiences, some of which take place abroad.
Check out Lauren Holt and her story about serving for a year in Ecuador: